213 (two-thirteen) Youth is a ministry designed for upper elementary kids from 4th-6th grade.

Our goal in 213 Youth is to partner with parents as they disciple their children by helping them cultivate faith, biblical convictions, practices, and ownership in the foundational beliefs of Christianity. We want to help you see your kids pick up your mantle faith and then own it for themselves like Elisha did in 2 Kings 2:13. To do that, we meet once a month to connect kids to spiritual truth and interaction with spiritual mentors. We aren’t interested in replacing you as the primary disciplers of your kids, but when you let us borrow your children for a short time, we want to give them back to you with the spiritual scaffolding that better helps you and your child to together build the foundation for a strong spiritual tower.

Our 213 Youth program occurs on the first Sunday of each month in the Ministry Center from 12:30-2:00, after the Sunday service.

Don’t worry, we have a lot of fun too. On a typical Sunday we’ll hang out, play some awesome group games, eat lunch together, and then we’ll spend some time praising God and looking in His Word. If you have any questions about 213 Youth, email Pastor Tim at tim.george@bethelerie.org.

See the 213 Youth Calendar below: